Nikka Whisky From The Barrel 500ML
Nikka Whisky From The Barrel is a popular Japanese blended whisky produced by the Nikka Whisky Distilling Company. It is made by blending malt whiskies from the Miyagikyo and Yoichi distilleries with grain whisky. The resulting blend is then aged in oak barrels and bottled at cask strength, which...
Brandy Umeshu 500ML
Brandy Umeshu is a type of liqueur that is made by combining brandy, a distilled spirit made from wine, with umeshu, a Japanese liqueur made from steeping Japanese plum (ume) fruit in alcohol and sugar. The resulting liqueur is sweet and fruity, with a strong plum flavor and a hint of brandy.
Akashi Red 500ML
The Eigashima distillery was founded by Eigashima Shuzo in 1888 to produce sake. By 1919, they obtained a licence to produce whisky, and soon after, started whisky production. It survived the whisky boom of the 70s and 80s unscratched – a clear testimony to the quality of its whisky. The White Oa...
Akashi White Oak 500ML
Akashi White Oak Blended Whisky, is a blend, not a single malt. White Oak is only active for two months per year, so their output is very limited. This blend, in bottles of 50cl, are available for around 30 EUR. It has matured some 5 to 6 years.the only whisky in the world that is made by a Toji ...
Okinawa Gin 700ML
It is carefully crafted using a base of awamori, a local long grain rice brandy, and juniper berries combined with five botanicals specific to the tropics: guava leaves, shekwasha (a small Japanese citrus fruit), goya (or Okinawan melon), roselle, and pipatsu or long island pepper, adding fruity ...
The Yamazaki Single Malt Japanese Whisky 700ML
The Yamazaki Single Malt Japanese Whisky is a premium whisky produced by Suntory, a leading distillery in Japan. The whisky is named after the Yamazaki Distillery, which is located in the Shimamoto area of Osaka, Japan. The Yamazaki Single Malt is made from a blend of various whiskies that are ag...
Hibiki Suntory Whisky 700ML
Hibiki Suntory Whisky is a type of Japanese whisky that is produced by Suntory, one of the oldest and most respected whisky makers in Japan. The whisky is known for its smooth and well-balanced flavor profile, which is achieved through a combination of carefully selected malt and grain whiskies t...
Whisky Umeshu 500ML
Shin Whisky Umeshu is a plum liqueur made with 100% Japanese plums brewed with sochu (Japanese distilled rice beverage), which is then finished with Akashi whisky. Savor the rich and well-balanced flavour of citrus and vanilla with moderate sweetness, and enjoy the lingering aftertaste of wooden ...
Akashi Blue Label Whisky 700ML
Akashi Blue Label is a blended whisky made from a combination of malted barley and grain whisky, which are aged for over 8 years in American oak casks. It is then finished in sherry casks for an additional 2 years. This extended maturation period gives the whisky a rich and complex flavor profil...
Akashi White Oak Single Malt Whisky 500ML
500ML Akashi White Oak Single Malt is a highly regarded Japanese whisky produced by the White Oak Distillery in the city of Akashi. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this expression showcases the distillery's dedication to creating exceptional single malt whiskies. The heart of Akashi ...
Akashi Whisky Crafted by Toji 700ML
700ML Akashi Whisky Crafted by Toji is a prestigious Japanese whisky brand known for its meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail. Situated in the city of Akashi, the distillery follows the traditional methods of whisky production while incorporating the expertise of a Toji, a master sake...
Akashi Blue 700ML
Akashi Blue is a Japanese whisky brand produced by the Eigashima Shuzo Distillery, which is located in Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The distillery was founded in 1888 and has a long history of producing a variety of spirits, including sake, shochu, and whisky.